Цитата(Qeit @ 28.3.2012, 23:52)
Почему всякий раз, когда в начале начинаются разборки - их наглым способом прерывают.
Вот зря ты так, зря! Толи ещё будет. Даже в соответствии с уже переведенными частями новеллы. Приведу один из саммари к будущей (в далеком, к сожалению) арке с джейкафе. Хотя, учитывая суровость, есть определенные сомнения, что эти части плота будут в манге - учитывая, что, как я понял, новелла выходит за границы жанра "школа" и имеет вполне себе мощные тенденции увеличения серьёзности и сложности сюжета, а манга всё же вполне может на "школе" и закончить.
Спойлер на английском, но поскольку все присутствующие и так читают мангу на языке Шекспира, думаю, самари будет излишним.
I just blitzed a google translation of some of the web novels and... Man has anybody mentioned before how badass Tatsuya is? Even so I'll say it again, what a badass character! Its not just him also, most the characters show some unheard of skills in their specialties in the Yokohoma arc. But really, life as a magic high schooler is really tough, terrorists, crime syndicates and then....
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...A full blown war erupts at a high school research convention!
Tatsuya was cool and deadly in the first novel, in the second he's a super genius that raises others abilities and a kick ass ninja. In the 3rd he gets sniped through the lung while in a high speed chase following his step mother's hijacked vehicle, and while shrugging off the pain he caculates the snipers position from the attack, bullet and environment variables. The second the wound has healed he's calmy aming for the sniper who's 1000m away thinking how lucky he was. I laughed and said to myself what a badass. How do the plan to top that...
He goes and starts catching machine gun extra high velocity bullets used for countering magicians... at point blank range!!!! Ofcourse he could have just ruined the weapon but no! the badassage needs to be increased. The soldier attacks with a knife which Shiba responds to by using his knife hand to sever a limb I believe and then guts the guy with the same hand. The ensuing silence in the convention hall is broken with Miyuki's slightly upset voice of "Onii-sama, cut back on the gore please!!". LoL. What a bad ass.
Everybody then starts to showcase their skills while Tatsuya fades into the background in the ensuing war, China Union Army versus magic school volunteer army. From what I can remember- The 'crimson prince' is doing his thing causing soldiers to internally combust, Azusa calms the crowd down with her mind manipulation, the Chiba siblings (Erika and her police detective brother) cut up tanks and mechs with their mad sword skills. Leo also shows mad sword skills using a special sowrd and technique given by Erika to slice vehicles frozen by Miyuki in two. Not sure if its Mihiko who muddies the ground causing sink pits, Honoka shows off her ability to make a moving target invisible which is supposedly really difficult as you have to alter the magic as the terrain changes, Mayumi throws soldiers in to spaces of crossfire hell using her magic to shoot at them from unpredictable angles, a teacher uses some weird theory on pyramid and polygon magic to cause the collapsing shelter walls to fall into support bridges and arches. Someone even gets taken hostage so we can see one of the girls display their forbidden human manipulation magic that allows her to slip her captors grasp with ease after freezing all his muscles and finally Juumonji, MR. Big Man 10 of the 10 familes...
due to his superb understanding of physics he can pretty much block anything by efficiently creating shields targeted at different effects, including missles aimed at stopping magicians that apparently are heat related, I'm not too clear on basics though. He rides around in a military vehcle with his sheilds blocking all incoming fire but still allowing outward fire, takes control of a collapsing warfront like a hero general from the middle ages with sheer force of presence and a little bit of help with his sheild magic, referred to as phalanx magic like the sheild formations of the romans in the past, which crushes tanks like paper cups and blocks all incomming fire. Truly Bad ass in terms of charisma and power as his sole intervention turned the tide on that front.
Miyuki shows even more power as apparently the reason her power goes out of control when she is upset is because alot of her power goes into supressing Tatsuya's powers and before things gets underway she releases his full power which also unlocks more of her powers. She actually jumps out of a helicopter without using the cad after seeing her class mate fatally injured and instantly stops every molecule in the area of the attacking soldiers. In effect she flash freezes a block of buildings.
In the end all Tatsuya does is... cause Bone Chilling Fear in the soldiers and starts a rout. With his ability to disintegrate any thing with his Demon Right and heal himself or his military comrades instantly with Divine Left pair of Silver guns. Then he starts launching long range magic nulcear scale attacks with the third eye weapon that causes large masses to instantly combust.
Man what a bad ass bunch of characters I am so disappointed with myself at not trying to learn to read Japaneese so I could understand more.
Цитата(Qeit @ 28.3.2012, 23:52)
И да, таки сам сабж фэйл, ибо винцеста нету, гарема тоже нету. Почему???
Похоже, что новелла тяготеет таки к раскрытию темы инцеста в какой-то мере. На счет гарема не знаю, но разнонаправленные романтические линии определенно присутствуют.
Кстати, есть мнение, что "сестринский комплекс" Татсуи имеет искуственное происхождение, как часть его бытия бодигардом Миюки - тобишь, всякими майндконтролами подформатировали ему мозги в контексте сестры и оставили онли навязчивое желание защишать. Брат и сестра вообще встретились лишь три года назад, так что (по крайней мере, только это они помнят)...
Сейчас (по новелле) у ГГ присутствуют определенные размышления о том, что у него таки чувства к Миюки несколько превышают обычную братскую любовь, а сама Миюки за него готова положить (и вроде как даже более чем не против) всю семейку, что над ним экспериментировала и лишь делает вид, что не в курсах дел папы ради душевного спокойствия Татсуи.
Так что так. Она тоже в несколько ином свете предвстает.
Также дефолтные, врожденные, магические способности что Татсуи, что Миюки имбовы чуть более чем абсолютно... Я бы стравил их с Айзеном в его лучшей форме